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CEPHALIC CARNAGE: Misled By Certainty

Release: 2010
Style: chaotic grindcore metal
Country: USA, Edgewater, Colorado
Playing Time: 53:43
Cat. N°: RR 7055
Review by: Vera
Translated by: Vera
Rating: 8/10


This sounds like a splatter sound record but there is more going on. These guys do not focus on speed only but even made an EP ‘Halls Of Amenti’ in 2002 when they performed a lengthy doom alike composition. While on the other hand chaotic assault can be experienced. An open mind is needed to get into their achievements. And nothing has changed. This record puts it all together again: they mix their long time experience since 1992 till now by coming up with a bunch of diverse, yet challenging tunes that show you a musical experience you will not grab immediately. Graced by a large number of guest vocalists and musicians, they serve their ever loving fan base as always. Do not expect any brutal changes, it is not necessary at all. Why should they? Going from groovy rhythms to moments of total free expression they will haunt you or leave you cold. This US based band has built up a severe legion of aficionados. It will not change with their last effort. Whether you like it or not, their eternal switches from seemingly peaceful grooves to extremely chaotic hubbub comes close to Ephel Duath sometimes, but switches into different moods the next second. We are misled by certainty, maybe this title is a kind of summarize of their achievements.


Net als de splatter movies denk je dat je hier enkel brutaliteit gaat ervaren. Maar er is meer aan de hand. Deze gasten geven niet enkel van jetje, maar verrassen je soms met enkele minder snelle songs waar een serieuze groove in zit. Zij maakten immers ook al de ep ‘Halls Of Amenti’ in 2002 toen ze op de proppen kwamen met één lange doomachtige compositie. Anderzijds word je omver geblazen door een chaotische aanval van jewelste. Een breeddenkende muzikale visie is dus wel vereist. Er is niet zo veel veranderd in hun aanpak. Dit album is een soort samenvatting van alles waar ze voor staan: ze gooien alle vorige muzikale ervaringen op een hoop en maken daar een lichtelijk andere versie van, maar het blijft uitdagend, niet toegankelijk en je hebt tijd nodig om te verwerken. Bijgestaan door een keur aan gastvocalisten en muzikanten zullen ze hun fanbasis wel behagen. Verwacht geen plotse veranderingen, maar dat was ook niet nodig. Waarom zouden ze? Ze veranderen plots van groovy ritmes naar momenten van totale vrije expressie en ze zullen ze bij de haren grijpen of koud laten. Deze Amerikaanse band heeft in al die jaren een solide fanbasis opgebouwd en dat zal niet veranderen met deze zesde cd. Je zult ervan houden of niet. Hun eeuwige hopping van ogenschijnlijke vreedzame momenten tot chaotische extreme stukken doet me wel eens denken aan Ephel Duath, maar toch is het anders. We zijn zeker op het verkeerde been gezet door zekerheden in het leven, misschien is de titel nog wel het beste om alles samen te vatten.


The Incorrigible Flame (4:30)
Warbots A.M. (4:37) guest vocals by Dave Otero
Abraxas Of Filth (3:43) guest vocals by Ross Dolan
Pure Horses (0:37)
Cordyceps Humanis (5:04) guest vocals by Sherwood Webber
Raped By An Orb (4:14) guest vocals by Zac Jefferson
P.G.A.D. (0:33) guest vocals by Blaine Cartwright & Keith Sanchez
Dimensional Modulation Transmography (5:04)
Ohrwurm (4:56)
When I Arrive (3:07) guest vocals by Travis Ryan
A King And A Thief (2:44)
Power And Force (1:37) guest vocals by Alex Camargo
Repanga (12:10)
Aeyeucghi! (0:30)


Lenzig Leal: vocals
John Merryman: drums
Steve Goldberg: guitars
Nick Schendzielos: bass & vocals
Brian Hopp: guitars


Bruce Lamont: saxophone on ‘Ohrwurm’ & ‘Repangea’
Pat Hanson: Add keyboards on track 3,5,13

More detailed info:

Limited edition deluxe package that includes a drink Koozey, 4-pin set, and

Recorded at the band’s own recording studio by Dave Otero.
Produced by Dave Otero.

"The Incorrigible Flame" video teaser was made in

Guest Musicians:
Alex Camargo – guest vocals on "Power and Force"
Blaine Cartwright – guest vocals on "P.G.A.D."
Ross Dolan – guest vocals on "Abraxas of Filth"
Pat Hanson – additional keyboards on "Abraxas of Filth, "Repangaea" and
"Cordyceps Humanis"
Zac Jefferson – guest vocals on "Raped by an Orb"
Bruce Lamont – saxophone on "Ohrwurm" and "Repangaea", guest vocals on
Dave Otero – guest vocals on "Warbots A.M."
Katherine Rosser – guest vocals on "Repangaea"
Travis Ryan – guest vocals on "When I Arrive"
Keith Sanchez – guest vocals on "P.G.A.D."
Sherwood Webber – guest vocals on "Cordyceps Humanis"
Bruce Lamont (saxophone on "Ohrwurm" and "Rapangaea",
Pat Hanson (keys on "Abraxas of Fith", "Rapangaea" and "Cordyceps Humanis"

C'thulhu chant guest percussion and vocals on "Abraxas of Filth" by Spy Travis
Ryan (of Cattle Decapitation), Keith Sanchez (of Smaug), Jaime Zamora & Joe
Howard (of Scalafrea), Donovan Breazeale (of Idiotfish), Jovin (of Cattelist),
Chris von Cleave & Steve Boiser (of Calculating Genocide), Joey Mcdougal & Adam
Baxter (of Harvest the Murdered)

Geplaatst door Vera op vrijdag 07 januari 2011 - 00:04:04
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